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Emily Clouten

Conscious + Respectful Parenting

The journey to acquiring deeper self compassion through healing childhood trauma, the reparenting process, and raising our own children with respect and unconditional love.


I help you feel anchored in self worth, free from external pressures and unconditionally loved, through mentoring in 1:1 sessions,  women's circles and online parenting programs.


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Respectful + Conscious Parenting


Emily is a parenting mentor and educator who supports families to raise emotionally intelligent and self-aware children through Respectful and Conscious parenting.


Emily was as a Primary school teacher and curriculum coordinator for 7 years, before becoming a mother of 3 beautiful wildlings. Navigating a highly sensitive child, all the things early childhood brings and a pandemic catapulted her into her conscious parenting journey.


Over the last 5 years Emily has completed numerous online programs focusing on respectful parenting, emotional intelligence, conscious parenting and aware parenting.


Emily now runs respectful parenting workshops where she teaches a skill set, which enables parents to ride the waves of emotions and set expectations based on neurological development, as opposed to societal and family expectations. After working with Emily parents transform their view of children, knowing "children are not giving you a hard time, they are having a hard time". She educates families to broaden their emotional intelligence so they may decode their own and their children's emotions and thereby meet everybody's needs with more authenticity and connection.


Through 1-1 sessions Emily helps parents to unpack the challenging parenting moments. She gently guides parents to unravel their stories, emotional wounds and imprints using their parenting reactions and triggers. This leads to a personalized set of tools that supports inner healing, deep self worth, compassion and spaciousness. Doing the inner work, through conscious parenting provides our children with powerful templates and tools to use as they grow and start to navigate their own inner worlds.


Emily's greatest work comes from supporting parents to love themselves unconditionally so they may love their children unconditionally as well.

  • Where inspiration and empowerment create soul-full living.

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  • Single private session. Gain clarity and confidence in parenting.

    110 Australian dollars
  • 3x 1-1 sessions. 1 hr each. Feel satiated + inspired while parenting.

  • 6 x 1-1 sessions. 1 hr each. Create a deep sense of self worth + love

  • 55 Australian dollars

  • 15 Australian dollars
  • Guiding you back into deep connection with your children and yourself.


    122 Australian dollars
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